Authors: Alessia Perrone and Martina Santarini
Source: SPARQL endpoint
{'sparql_endpoint': '', 'template_mode': 'statistics', 'title': 'Pink Floyd', 'color_code': ['#d530a0', '#df0c36'], 'user_name': 'aisselaap', 'id': '1687513354.863719', 'subtitle': 'A unique journey with Wikidata to discover one of the most renowned British music bands of all time', 'curator': 'Alessia Perrone and Martina Santarini', 'description': 'We started our investigation analysing the number of British music bands. In particular, we focused on the rock genre as we are really interested in, and of course we couldn’t help but to center deeply on probably the most renowned and influencing music band of all time: Pink Floyd. They became known for their biting political, social and emotional commentary.', 'dynamic_elements': [{'position': 0, 'operations': [], 'type': 'count', 'count_query': 'SELECT (COUNT(?band) AS ?count)\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?band ?a wd:Q215380 . # music band \r\n ?band wdt:P495 wd:Q145 . # from uk\r\n}', 'count_label': 'Number of British music bands', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 1, 'operations': [], 'type': 'count', 'count_query': 'SELECT (COUNT(?band) AS ?count)\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?band ?a wd:Q5741069 . # rock band \r\n ?band wdt:P495 wd:Q145 . # from uk\r\n}', 'count_label': 'Number of British rock bands', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 2, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': '<p><span style="color: black;">The band was born back to 1963 thanks to the meeting of three architecture students from the University of London, Roger Waters, Nick Mason e Richard Wright. At first, the band didn’t have the unique name with which everyone knows them, but they changed it several times: for example, they used to call themselves Spectrum Five, Tea Set, etc. Finally, they switched to Pink Floyd in 1965, combining the names of two bluesmen, Pink Anderson and Floyd Council.</span></p>', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 3, 'operations': [], 'type': 'table', 'table_title': 'Pink Floyd members', 'table_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?Member ?MemberLabel (year(xsd:dateTime(?BirthDate)) as ?Birth) (year(xsd:dateTime(?DeathDate)) as ?Death) ?BirthPlace ?BirthPlaceLabel ?VoiceType ?VoiceTypeLabel \r\nWHERE { wd:Q2306 wdt:P527 ?Member . ?Member wdt:P569 ?BirthDate . \r\n OPTIONAL {?Member wdt:P570 ?DeathDate.} ?Member wdt:P19 ?BirthPlace. \r\n OPTIONAL {?Member wdt:P412 ?VoiceType.} \r\n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".} } \r\nLIMIT 10', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 4, 'operations': [], 'type': 'textsearch', 'textsearch_userinput': 'pink floyd', 'textsearch_title': 'Pink Floyd', 'textsearch_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?band ?bandLabel ?category ?categoryLabel ?country ?countryLabel WHERE {\r\n SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {\r\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "";\r\n wikibase:api "EntitySearch";\r\n mwapi:search <<searchterm>>;\r\n mwapi:language "en".\r\n ?band wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:item.\r\n }\r\n {\r\n {?band wdt:P31 ?category ; wdt:P495 ?country .\r\n ?category wdt:P31 wd:Q105756498 . }\r\n UNION\r\n {?band wdt:P31 ?category ; wdt:P495 ?country .\r\n ?category wdt:P279 wd:Q2088357 }\r\n }\r\nSERVICE wikibase:label { \r\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"\r\n }\r\n} LIMIT 10\r\n', 'textsearch': {'band': ['Show components of music band', 'Show music genres', 'image'], 'category': ['Show music genres', 'Show other bands from this genre'], 'country': ['Show other bands from this country'], 'genre': ['Show other bands from this genre']}, 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 5, 'operations': [], 'type': 'table', 'table_title': 'When did Pink Floyd start their activity?', 'table_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?Start \r\nWHERE { wd:Q2306 wdt:P2031 ?Start . }', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 6, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': '<p><span style="color: black;">Pink Floyd began their career at the vanguard of London\'s underground music scene. They rapidly achieved great success and they were always keen on exploring more into various music genres. In fact, they were the founders of two major music movements: psychedelic space-rock and blues-based progressive rock.</span></p>', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 7, 'operations': [], 'type': 'chart', 'chart_type': 'doughnutchart', 'chart_title': 'What genre are Pink Floyd?', 'chart_query': 'SELECT (?genreLabel as ?label) \r\nWHERE { wd:Q2306 wdt:P136 ?genre. ?genre rdfs:label ?genreLabel.\r\n FILTER (lang(?genreLabel) = "en"). }', 'chart_series': '', 'chart_legend': {'x': '', 'y': ''}, 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 8, 'operations': [], 'type': 'action', 'action_title': 'Show components of music band', 'action_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?member ?memberLabel ?image\r\nWHERE { \r\n <<item>> wdt:P527 ?member . \r\n OPTIONAL { ?member wdt:P18 ?image . }\r\n\r\nSERVICE wikibase:label { \r\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"\r\n }\r\n}\r\nLIMIT 20\r\n', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 9, 'operations': [], 'type': 'action', 'action_title': 'Show music genres', 'action_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?genre ?genreLabel\r\nWHERE { \r\n <<item>> wdt:P136 ?genre .\r\n\r\nSERVICE wikibase:label { \r\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"\r\n }\r\n}\r\nLIMIT 20', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 10, 'operations': [], 'type': 'action', 'action_title': 'Show other bands from this country', 'action_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?other ?otherLabel ?category ?categoryLabel WHERE { \r\n ?other wdt:P495 <<item>> . \r\n ?other wdt:P31 ?category .\r\n ?category wdt:P31 wd:Q105756498 .\r\n\r\nSERVICE wikibase:label { \r\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"\r\n }\r\n}\r\nLIMIT 20\r\n\r\n', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 11, 'operations': [], 'type': 'action', 'action_title': 'Show other bands from this genre', 'action_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?band ?bandLabel ?category ?categoryLabel ?country ?countryLabel WHERE {\r\n ?band wdt:P31 ?category ; wdt:P495 ?country ; wdt:P136 <<item>> .\r\n ?category wdt:P279 wd:Q2088357 \r\nSERVICE wikibase:label { \r\n bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en"\r\n }\r\n} LIMIT 20\r\n', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 12, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': '<p><span style="color: black;">Pink Floyd are known for their wide range of instruments, which belong to different genres and are combined harmoniously to create their songs. Moreover, it’s notorious their use of non-musical sounds, a distinctive feature of the band. Pink Floyd are masters in creating atmospheres, anticipating situations, and giving sensations. </span></p>', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 13, 'operations': [], 'type': 'table', 'table_title': 'Instruments played', 'table_query': 'SELECT (?instrumentLabel AS ?instrument)\r\nWHERE { wd:Q2306 wdt:P527 ?member. ?member wdt:P1303 ?instrument. ?instrument rdfs:label ?instrumentLabel. \r\n FILTER (lang(?instrumentLabel) = "en"). }\r\nGROUP BY ?instrument ?instrumentLabel \r\nLIMIT 10', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 14, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': '<p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: black;">On March 1983 Pink Floyd released The Final Cut, the band’s last album with Roger Waters. From this moment, the bassist will separate from his bandmates to pursue a solo career. In fact, he still tours to sing the band’s most renowned songs in many countries around the world including Italy, where he exhibited in Bologna last April.</span></p>', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 15, 'operations': [], 'type': 'table', 'table_title': 'Released albums (47)', 'table_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT (?label AS ?album) (year(xsd:dateTime(?date)) as ?date) \r\nWHERE { ?album wdt:P31 wd:Q482994 . ?album wdt:P175 wd:Q2306 . ?album wdt:P577 ?date .\r\n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". ?album rdfs:label ?label. } }\r\nGROUP BY ?label ?date \r\nORDER BY ?date', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 16, 'operations': [], 'type': 'table', 'table_title': 'Some of their masterpieces', 'table_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?song ?songLabel \r\n\r\nWHERE { ?song wdt:P175 wd:Q2306; wdt:P407 wd:Q1860. ?song wdt:P577 ?publicationDate. \r\n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". } } \r\n\r\nLIMIT 20', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 17, 'operations': [], 'type': 'chart', 'chart_type': 'doughnutchart', 'chart_title': 'Sources of inspiration and influences', 'chart_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?label (COUNT(distinct ?band) as ?count) \r\nWHERE { ?band ?a wd:Q2306 . # pink floyd\r\n ?band wdt:P495 wd:Q38 . # from italy \r\n ?band wdt:P737 ?influencer . \r\n SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". ?influencer rdfs:label ?label. } } \r\nGROUP BY ?label ?count ORDER BY DESC(?count) \r\nLIMIT 10', 'chart_series': '', 'chart_legend': {'x': '', 'y': ''}, 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 18, 'operations': [], 'type': 'table', 'table_title': 'Awards received', 'table_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?Awards ?AwardsLabel \r\nWHERE { wd:Q2306 wdt:P166 ?Awards . ?Awards rdfs:label ?AwardsLabel. \r\n FILTER(LANG(?AwardsLabel)="en"). }', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 19, 'operations': [], 'type': 'text', 'text': '<p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: black;">Although Pink Floyd were born in the 60s, they have always been open to innovation, and not only from a musical perspective. Indeed with the digital era they joined the social media, and nowadays they are still very influential and have lots of followers.</span></p>', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 20, 'operations': [], 'type': 'table', 'table_title': 'Followers on social media', 'table_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?followers \r\nWHERE { wd:Q2306 wdt:P8687 ?followers . }', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}, {'position': 21, 'operations': [], 'type': 'action', 'action_title': 'Image', 'action_query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ?image \r\nWHERE { wd:Q2306 wdt:P18 ?image . }', 'extra_queries': [], 'map_filters': []}]}
We started our investigation analysing the number of British music bands. In particular, we focused on the rock genre as we are really interested in, and of course we couldn’t help but to center deeply on probably the most renowned and influencing music band of all time: Pink Floyd. They became known for their biting political, social and emotional commentary.